Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jesse Jackson on Obama

Jesse Jackson may have just overstayed his welcome. But because of Jesse's heightened position in the media, what he said about cutting Obama's nuts off seemed almost insane. His comments are more than strange, especially in the context of the way American society has always feared and been allured by the black man's genitalia--from it being cut off before a lynching to lynch parties gathering because a white woman made a false accusation of rape against a black man and on to the more contemporary phenomenon of "Mandigo parties" (if you don't know what they are, look it up).

Jesse's statement was more than a little disturbing when you consider this country's past.
It makes you wonder what in the hell was Jesse thinking about? I'm sure there are greater thinkers who will tackle the psychology and motivation for Jesse's statement in a much better way than I ever could.But what Jesse Jackson said was so ridiculous and not only that, but he did something that I've been praying he and other civil rights leaders of old wouldn't do. He has put comments out there that'll give all the wrong people--to be blunt, those specific people who like to see this sort of conflict, especially between two prominent black people-- the ammunition they need to try to exploit the connection blacks have developed with Obama.

Nothing that Obama has been saying in his speeches in black churches or anywhere else about personal responsibility is wrong or elitist. He wasn't talking down to black people and what he's been saying applies to anyone, black or white. And what might surprise a lot of people is that most blacks agree with Obama. Jackson, in my mind, is struggling with the fact that Obama is where he is not. Now Jesse has to realize that its time that he fall back and support what his and other black civil rights good works have given rise to.